Today Sunday February 15th Jacob gave his first talk in Primary. The topic was "The priesthood blesses my family".
When my brother Andrew was born he was 5 weeks early. He had to stay in the hospital for 12 days till his lungs where big enough to work without help. My dad and our home teachers gave Andrew a priesthood blessing that he would be healed and that he would be comforted. Our family was blessed. --emily
Oh my gosh he is just to cute for words!! what a handsome little guy.
When I was supposed to give my first talk in Sunday School, I got up there, but was too shy to give it. Then the next week when my brother got up and gave a talk, I marched up there from my seat, recited my poem, and sat back down. So way to go, Jacob! I'm so proud of you! What a little man.
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