Friday, March 20, 2009

Raining Cheerios

What do my kids do when it is raining outside and they are bored?
Here is an inside look at how naughty they can be. . .
Anyone need a snack?
It looks like Jacob, Andrew & Gordon do!
Still hungry?
Andrew is!
Clean up time.
Oh no, still hungry.
Jacob runs upstairs to get Byron to help clean up, 
he is a bulldoser and a great helper. 
After all the fun the boys had making a mess, they where great helpers cleaning up as well. I am sure that it can't be healthy for a dog to eat that many Cheerios in one sitting. --emily


Anonymous said...

The caption to picture #6, Gordon says, "I love eating the junk off the floor, but this is too much for even me!" That Drew!

Leslie said...

AWESOME!! I love it looks like fun. I let the kids do that once with all the paper from our paper shredder.. bad idea Cheerios look eaiser to clean up!!

miss ya

Darci said...

You must be a pretty awesome mom to take pictures WHILE their dumping cheerios everywhere instead of stopping it! How fun for the boys and puppy.

CJAllred said...

Ah, the memories. I remember when my kids dumped out the Cheerios box. And somehow along with the Cheerios, my hard contacts made their way to the floor as well and I found them crunched on the floor.
Good for Gordon and Byron for being such good helpers with Jacob and Andrew.