Thursday, July 24, 2008

We are moving!

We have sold our house! If you have ever sold a house, you know what this simple act of having your house on the market is all about. Keeping your house clean all day, this with two kids is impossible. Oh and don't forget every time you leave for that 10 a.m. play date. You have left your house perfect so if by chance a real-estate agent wants to bring a client through, your house looks and smells clean. No evidence of Jacob's breakfast that was partially eaten and mostly moved to his chair, walls and floor. Or of the spit-up that Drew left behind from his morning bottle. Don't forget that morning poopy diaper--there is no trace of that either. So with all of this being said, my house has been a disaster for the past couple of days. This is the exhale of the past four months of a perfect house. I feel much better now. So tonight I am starting up the cleaning and laundry. Or should I say I am putting Kelly to work. So we can have a house that looks and feels clean again. emily

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