Saturday, November 26, 2011

Christmas Tree 2011

One of our favorite Christmas traditions is to cut down our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. We had great weather, it was a perfect day for tree hunting.
Jacob loved that he could stand under this tree. He is so cute.
We found a couple of great trees, and Jacob found some large shiny rocks. So random I know!Here we are in front of our tree right before we cut it down. With Mount Si in the background.
Jacob and Andrew helped by pushing on the tree as Kelly sawed it down. Then Jacob used the saw to clean up the stump. He had fun using the saw.
Andrew helped Kelly carry the tree back to the car. Kelly carried the trunk and Andrew carried the top. What a great helper.
Jacob enjoyed jumping in the mud left over from a weeks worth of rain. Nice air buddy! --emily

Andrew's Surgery

Andrew had surgery to remove his adenoids this week. adenoids: "A mound of tissue in the back of the nose that can become enlarged by infections and lead to narrowing of the airway." We had a week to prepped Andrew as best we could without freaking him out. Jacob picked out this stuffed owl for Andrew to take with him. The owl is Andrew's power animal.
The day of the surgery, Andrew was noticeably apprehensive.
All the medical staff was very helpful and so kid friendly. After Andrew was dressed in his surgery clothes, they brought in his oxygen mask and let him decorate it. They had a tackle box filled with stickers and yummy smelling chap sticks. Andrew picked out some stickers to decorate the outside of his mask. His stickers of choice were Sponge Bob and smiley stickers. He then picked out a chap stick flavor to line the inside of his mask with a pleasant smell. Andrew chose banana flavor, it was sweet and sugary smelling.

With that, he was ready for surgery. I carried him to the operating room as we walked with the surgeon and nurses. We pretended he was going back to a space port. The operating room did look like a space station. Andrew was really worried, but he was a good sport.

The surgery was successful. Andrew was really agitated when it was all over and couldn't wait to get the sensor off his finger and the IV out of his hand. He was grumpy for a couple of hours after the surgery. Jacob said, "He's really grumpy without his adenoids. When are they going to put them back?"

After a little rest, Andrew was back to his old sweet self. He was running around and playing with Jacob. We are thankful for our cute boys. --Kelly

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Snow day

With all the cold weather we've been having lately, we knew there must be snow in the mountains. So Saturday morning we drove up to the pass that is only about 20 minutes from our house to play in the snow. Andrew was having a great time laying in the snow and eating giant mouthfuls. No hands needed.
The snow was amazing! It was about four feet of powder. We had fun sledding and throwing snowballs. The snow was almost too soft to form into a ball, but we had a fun time throwing it anyway.
Jacob is totally a snow dude. He kept asking when we could go snow boarding. I think this might be the year to start hitting the slopes as a family. Yeah . . .
We brought the tripod so that we could get a family photo. After working out the hiccups of the tripod that kept sinking into the snow and the camera remote that wouldn't register because we were on a decline and the fact that it is super cropped because my left arm is way up in the air to line up with the camera sensor, I think it isn't too terrible of a family picture. I love my little family!
Everyone stayed warm and happy for the most part. It was a great Saturday adventure. I can't wait to do it again. --emily & kelly

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Party

Jacob's Kindergarten Halloween Party. Some fun photos taken by the class photographer. Andrew was super sick so I didn't make the party, but it sure looks like they had a fun time. --emily