Monday, April 26, 2010

Pet Store

Andrew loves to go the the pet store and hold the baby dogs. The other day we were near the pet store and Andrew recognized where we were. He asked if we could stop and hold the dogs. We weren't in a hurry so we stopped. Jacob kept asking if we could buy another dog. . . We compromised with this. . .
A new Snail for his fish tank. I have been wanting to get something to help with the maintance of the tank. We tried an "Otto fish" that didn't end with a happy ending. The "Otto fish" ended up getting eaten by our bully gold fish Guido. The pet store guy said a snail might work out better. We shall see!
Jacob is playing with his fish!
Our new Snail!
He has done a great job so far, we have had him for six days and the tank is looking much cleaner. He has also survived his first week with our bully fish Guido. --emily


Anonymous said...

Compromised! Nothin', they were tricked! Good job Mom, very clever. You can't have this cute adorable, fuzzy, warm puppy but you can have a snail. Honey, you missed your calling, you need to be in sales!! :)

That is one very large snail, I hope the snail doesn't eat Guido the fish. We used to have tiny little snails in our fish tank and they did a great job of "cleaning up". This one is so big you may have to feed it. It is very beautiful though. A nice friend for Guido.

Love you, momAKAgrandma

CJAllred said...

Cute pictures of the boys! Those snails have a nasty job. How would you like to lick a fish tank all day long! He's a cute little guy. I think Guido finally has a buddy he can live with.

Leslie said...

your such a good mom to have all these pets!! remember your hermit crab?