Friday, November 26, 2010

Santa Day

The Christmas season has begun in our home. Black Friday isn't for shopping in our family. It is Santa picture day. It is a great way for us to get into the season. We were lucky and didn't have to wait in line. Santa was so great, he talked with Jacob about the things he wanted and what was write in his letter. Santa read the letter below like it was typed. He didn't stumble over any of the words. He is amazing! As you can see some of the words are split between two lines, but Santa knew just what Jacob was saying. Andrew was super apprehensive and barley made it onto Santa's lap. There were a few small tears, but after lots of convincing he sat nicely with his stuffed puppy in hand.
Dear Santa, I have been a good boy! [What I would like for Christmas:] Transformer, regular pencils, (boy) Zhu Zhu pets, Soccer ball, Stuffed puppies, Balloons and Marble race. Love, Jake
Dear Santa, [What I would like for Christmas:] Zhu Zhu pets (boy), Space ship and Transformer. Love, Andrew
I am feeling ready for this Christmas season. Let the celebrating begin! --emily


CJAllred said...

The boys are getting so big from the first time they sat on Santa's lap. I don't see any tears. Love the letters to Santa. Great tradition!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jake, I love your letter to Santa, your writing is so good and you are spelling so nicely. I agree you are a very good boy.

Dear Andrew, I love the pictures on your wish list to Santa, you are a good boy too!

Love, momAKAgrandma