Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Afternoon at the park

The boys had a great time at the park this afternoon. The weather wasn't horrible outside. There wasn't any rain or wind, so we ventured out to a park about a block away. The boys where so cute. They played so well together. Jacob would help Andrew up all the hard parts and they laughed and giggled together. They had a great time. It was quite refreshing!
While playing at the park, Andrew found this little plastic dog. Andrew is so cute with all things dog. Andrew made him walk around, dig in the bark, and play fetch. He clutched him in his hand the whole time. The dog had dinner with Drew, a bath with Drew, and he is currently snuggling asleep with him.
Jacob was a great big brother the whole park outing. We might be rounding a new corner with him. It is quite exciting! I love his silly faces. --emily


CJAllred said...

Awesome pictures! Andrew is so cute with the little dog. I didn't realize he was so into dogs. Jacob, you are the BEST big brother ever!

Mom-entarily Out of Order said...

I LOVE that top picture! So cute :-)